Technology is changing our world at a more rapid pace than ever. With technology, many things are possible that help in our day-to-day life. These technologies are being developed by high-end technical people.
How To Build Strong Tech Teams – Facts To Consider!
There are several technical tasks in which people are engaged and thus to build an efficient technical team also known as a tech team one should consider many things.

- Get a CTO for the company – Getting a CTO is the most important thing to do for a tech company. CTO stands for Chief Technical Officer. CTO will overlook all the technical aspects of the company and report to CEO. CTO is responsible for creating technical teams and dividing them as per a hierarchy for better company performance and reliability of the work. CTO are mostly hired as people who have extensive technical knowledge and have worked on different platforms.
- Understanding Company Culture – The whole team should know what the mission and vision for a company is and how the company operates. The team should know how they can integrate themselves into this culture and the upper management should be helpful in getting a new person onboard and explaining how things are done in the organisation so that they can have a smooth start off.
- Focus on one problem – Many a times tech teams are given multiple problems at once and then they stumble to solve everything. The team lead should act here and prioritize the problems as per their impact. High priority problems should be solved first by the team and then the low priority ones. For a tech team high priority problem would be something that is affecting the production environment while a low priority issue could be unable to access some site.
- Cross link the teams – Many a times, a big problem arrives and none of the team members know with whom they should co-ordinate to solve this. There should be a central management team which helps in co-ordinating such issues. In many big tech companies this team is known as Incident management who has access to all team members and knows which 2 teams should collaborate for solving a particular issue.
- Communication gap – Many a times there is a communication gap between the managers and members of the team due to high work load or due to remote working sessions. The team should make sure that they convene at least once in 2 weeks to discuss any challenges faced or any other issues to the manager and work on this. This will build more confidence among the team members and they can do their job much easily.
- Welcome new employees to the whole team – Many a times when a new employee joins the organisation, he or she doesn’t have any idea whom to go to in case of an issue. There should be a proper onboarding process explaining everything and the team lead or the manager should introduce the new employee to the whole team. During this pandemic it is a good idea to get on a video call to introduce the new member to whole team, a small 10 min intro will be really helpful for the new joiner.
- Hire the right people for the right role – The companies should hire the right person for that particular designation. There is no point in hiring a network analyst to do a job of a developer. He or she will be stuck with thousands of queries which will disrupt the flow of the whole team. The hiring committee should hire the right person in accordance to the work done by the team.
- Have one on one meetings – Many a times during the official meeting employees won’t open up about their issues as they feel they might be judged or something. Managers should have a one to one meeting once every month with their team so as to understand if there are any personal or other problems troubling the person. Having one on one meetings have got good results in most of the companies.
Considering the above facts, the hiring committee should create a good team that values the morals and cultures of the company and works in harmony with the other teammates.
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